taranify.com Playlist Ai - Discover Music For Your Mood & Vibe

Promote Your Spotify Playlist and Grow Followers

Submit your Spotify playlist to Taranify AI database, it will be recommended to our users

How does it work?

Taranify is a recommendation AI. It recommends different things to its users to make sure they would enjoy it. Taranify recommends based on user's internal emotional state.

Taranify is based on the theory that we usually enjoy things that are aligned with our current internal mood.

How does it help promoting my Spotify playlist?

Taranify analyzes each playlist from different aspects. Every time a user asks for a Spotify playlist, we look into our database and find the best playlist that matches with the user's mood. we recommend it to users.

Users can preview the recommended playlist here on our website, and they can open it in Spotify to listen.

Is it free to add my playlists?

Yes, It is free to submit your Spotify playlists to Taranify AI database.

How many Spotify playlist can I submit?

At the moment there is no limit on playlists you can submit.

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